Saturday, December 26, 2009

Just Starting

My New Year's Resolution for 2010 will not be a new diet, going to the gym everyday or even taking a walk daily.  I plan to de-clutter my house.  Since retiring a short year ago and moving to Tennessee with everything I owned and I mean everything there is no room for me in my house. Its not that I have a lot of furniture its evrything else.  Who needs 5 sets of dishes, each having 12 place settings, 3 crock pots, about 25 get the picture.  So, I am going to take one room at a time and take everything completely out paint the room again and then put back what I really, really want and need.  I watch HGTV to get ideas but could use any.....

Friday, December 25, 2009

My First Post

I am trying out my new blog. I am learning to post.
I think I may join the choir.